Friday, October 17, 2014

SOULFOOD by Bo : Be Totally Responsible for Your Success!


Life is a choice.

If you’re being blessed 90 percent of the time, it’s because you chose
to be blessed.

If you’re being cursed 90 percent of the time, it’s because you chose
to be cursed.

You have more power than you think you have.

Friend, don’t be shocked, but you have the power to create the life
you want.

Here’s the truth: You created the life that you are living right now.

So if you don’t like your job, you’re responsible.
And if you’re buried in debt right now, you’re accountable.
And if you’re overweight, it’s your fault.
And if you’re not happy, you’re responsible.

I’m not saying you’re to blame for all the things that have happened
to you.

But you’re responsible. That means you’re in charge.
If you don’t want your situation, change it.
If you can’t change your situation, change your attitude towards
your situation.

But unless you change, nothing happens.
Bottom line, it’s really all up to you.
Be totally responsible for your success.

May your dreams come true,
Bo Sanchez

P. S. Starting today, always say these words to yourself, "I'm in charge." "I'm responsible for my success."

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P.S.3  Do you want to Gain Financial Wealth & Spiritual Abundance at the Same Time?  Join Us at the TrulyRich Club! I joined the TrulyRich Club. It was one of the best   decisions of my life. Founded by Bo Sanchez, its purpose is to "help good people   become rich".

Because of the guidance I get from the Club, through Stocks Update, I'm now investing in the Stock Market each month!  I'm inviting you to join the club too. If you're interested, visit the TrulyRich Club now! at

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