Friday, November 28, 2014

Truly Rich Club Newsletter : How This "Financially Ignorant" Young Woman Almost Doubled Her Money In 2 Years

How This "Financially Ignorant" Young Woman Almost Doubled Her Money In 2 Years

Everybody loves an underdog story.

And this is an amazing underdog story.

This is about Rowena, a young woman who works as a video editor in our TV and Radio ministry. Two years ago, I challenged ALL my employees to invest in the Stock Market. Today, 90% of them are now investing-from my managers to vice presidents to messengers and janitors. (Give me 20 years and all my employees will become huge multimillionaires!)

          Please read Rowena's amazing story below...

Two years ago, I started investing P3000 to P5000 in the Stock Market. (It becomes P5000 when my very generous Dad gives me money. Thank you Dad!)

But I was totally ignorant about the Stock Market. So I just followed Brother Bo's TrulyRichClub's instructions each month, buying the stocks he recommended through his Stocks Update eReports.
And in two years, from October 2010 to October 2012, my Dad and I put in a total of P102,000 only. But it's shocking for me to know that my Stock Market investment now stands at P193,325. That's 89.53% increase in two years. Or an amazing 44.77% a year! -- Rowena Mallari, Video Editor

Perhaps you're someone who saves your money in big banks. If so, you're earning LESS than 1% a year. To be exact, about 0.75% MINUS 20% withholding tax! It's actually lunacy to keep your long-term investments in the bank. Yes, put your short-term money and emergency funds in the bank. But NEVER your long-term investments.

NOTE: Just to tell you how insane 44.77% is, I read the returns of the best and brightest, most sophisticated Mutual Fund Managers of BIG COMPANIES in 2011. The highest achieved was only 8.18% growth; A second mutual fund company got 8.17%; a third mutual fund company got 2.66%; and a fourth mutual fund company got 2.39% for the year. But Rowena Mallari-who doesn't know anything about the Stock Market except what she got from my Stocks Update eReports-got 44.77% growth. Crazy but true.

Do You Want To Be A Multimillionaire? 

You've Got To Start Today...

Warning: I'm not promising that Rowena will also get 44% next year or the year after. The Stock Market doesn't work that way. It's always like a rollercoaster ride. But here's my point for telling you this underdog story: You can be like Rowena and become a multimillionaire in 20 years.

          How? Like Rowena, join the TrulyRichClub and use my Stocks Update eReports that will guide you how to invest in the Stock Market.

          To join the TrulyRichClub and start creating your millions, click the link below:

          May your dreams come true,

          Bo Sanchez

PS. Don't Delay! So many people POSTPONE investing. From experience, people who postpone never do it. But I know that you're different. Start now. Click the link below...

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